
Resources and links

Contests, online sites, discussion forums, Workshop

On-line resources

These links are provided for convenience only


The USA Computing Olympiad (USACO) is the most prestigious Computer Science competition.

USACO official website



USACO Guide is a free online platform providing hundreds of problems, solutions, videos, and  unofficial USACO forums.



CP Initiative

CP Initiative promotes competitive programming through resources, classes, outreach, and contests.



A leading platform offers a vast collection of tutorials, practice problems, interview tutorials, articles, and courses, covering various domains of computer science.

USACO Problems

The old USACO problems available for practice on this site.

From the season 2011-2012 to 2023-2024

Machine Learning

Best Maching Learning Courses Online with Cetificates.


These links are provided for convenience only

Code Quest

An annual computer programming competition where teams of two to three high school students work together to solve problems


The CALICO Informatics Competition is a high-school programming competition hosted by students at UC Berkeley.             


American Computer Science League(ACSL)           



The Andover Computing Open (TACO). TACO is an individual coding contest for beginners and intermediate programmers.


HPE CodeWars

CodeWars is a first-class computer programming competition for high school students.          


CoderZ League

The virtual robotics and coding tournament gives students learn how to code virtual 3D robots to complete specific tasks and challenges.

Stanford ProCo

ProCo is a computer programming contest for high school students in the style of the college-level ACM-ICPC.  



picoCTF is the largest cybersecurity hacking competition for middle, high school, and college students.  


App Challenge

Students create apps using any programming language to solve specific challenges.